Department Directory
Outdated or incorrect information on your department listing? Please submit corrections on our
Department | Primary Contact | Phone Number | Location | |
Academic Advising | Shari Rich, Director | | (309) 556-3231 | Holmes Hall 103H |
Academic Affairs | David Marvin, Interim Provost and Dean of Faculty | | (309) 556-3101 | Holmes Hall 202 |
Office of Student Accessibility Services | Jasmine Howe, Director | | (309) 556-1355 | Ames Library 201B |
Action Research Center and Center for Engaged Learning | Deborah Halperin, Center for Engaged Learning | | (309) 825-6006 | Ames Library 114 |
LeAnn Hughes, Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing Kasey Evans ’12, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management | | (309) 556-3031 | Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center |
Advancement |
Jesse Meyer, Vice President for Advancement Val Hawkins ’09, Assistant Vice President for Advancement - Operations and Engagement Van Miller ’04, Assistant Vice President for Advancement Steve Seibring '81, Vice President for External Relationships |
(309) 556-3091 | Holmes Hall 215 | |
Alumni Engagement |
Olivia Ruff '19, Director of Alumni Engagement |
(309) 556-3251 | 1312 Park St., Holmes Hall 103E | |
Art & Design, School of |
J. Kline, Interim Dean of Fine and Performing Arts | | (309) 556-3077 | |
Associate Provost's Office |
Rebecca Roesner, Associate Provost |
(309) 556-3255 | Holmes 211 | |
Mike Wagner, Athletic Director |
(309) 556-3196 | Shirk 206 | ||
Biology Department |
Brian Walter, Chair and Associate Professor of Biology |
(309) 556-3041 | CNS C109B | |
Sarah Hastings, Store Manager |
(309) 556-3059 | Hansen Student Center | ||
Business and Economics, School of |
Bryan McCannon ’98, Dean of the School of Business and Economics / Robert S. Eckley Endowed Professor of Economics Kara Miller, Administrative Specialist
309-556-3191 (309) 556-3784 |
SFH 310 SFH 308 |
Business Office |
David Myron, Vice President for Business and Finance |
(309) 556-3022 |
Holmes Hall 109 |
Campus Safety |
Mark Tallman, Director of Campus Safety |
(309) 556-1111 |
Memorial Center |
Career Center / Hart Career Center |
Warren Kistner, Director of the Career Center |
(309) 556-3071 |
Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center |
Center for Human Rights and Social Justice |
William Munro, Director of the Center |
CLA 145 |
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department |
Ram Mohan, | | (309) 556-3829 |
CNS C205B |
Communications, Office of | Ann Aubry, Director of Communications | | (309) 556-3181 |
Shaw 100 |
Computer Science Department | Andrew Shallue, Chair and Associate Professor of Computer Science |
(309) 556-3535 |
CNS C207C |
Conference Services | Anna Compton '07, Director of Conference Services | (309) 556-3100 |
Memorial Center 167 |
Counseling and Consultation Services |
Christina Armstrong, Director of Counseling and Consultation Services Sandy Theile, Administrative Specialist III |
(309) 556-3052 |
Magill Hall (Lower Level) |
Data Science and Analytics |
Brad Sheese, Director and Professor of Computer Science |
(309) 556-1341 |
CNS C207D |
Dean of Students Office |
Karla Carney-Hall, Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students |
(309) 556-3111 |
Holmes Hall 103 |
Diversity and Inclusion, Office of |
Taren Nance, Director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion |
(309) 556-3967 |
Hansen Student Center 200B |
Educational Studies, School of |
Leah Nillas, Dean and Associate Professor of Educational Studies |
(309) 556-3027 |
CLA 314 |
English Department |
Michael Theune, Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Department Chair |
(309) 556-3333 |
CLA 149 |
Environmental Studies Department |
Aaron Wilson, Chair and Associate Professor of Environmental Studies | |
(309) 556-2203 |
CLA 353 |
Financial Aid |
Scott Seibring, Director of Financial Aid |
(309) 556-3096 |
Lower Level, Holmes Hall 1 |
Fine and Performing Arts |
J. Kline, Interim Dean |
Holmes 200 C |
Fort Natatorium |
Teresa Fish, Aquatics Director, Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach, and Associate Professor of Physical Education |
(309) 556-3383 |
Shirk Center |
Grants and Foundation Relations, Office of |
Patty Medina, Grants Officer |
309-556-2083 |
Holmes 200 (or remote) |
Health Services |
Karla Carney-Hall, PhD, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students; Acting
Director of Health and Counseling Services Sandy Theile, Administrative Specialist |
(309) 556-3052 |
Magill Hall (Lower Level) |
History Department |
April Schultz, Professor and Chair of History |
(309) 556-3118 |
CLA 245 |
Human Resources |
Kathleen Hermacinski, Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator Jill Smith, Assistant Director for Human Resources |
Holmes 209 |
Humanities Program |
Joanne Diaz, Director of Humanities Program, Isaac Funk Endowed Professor of English |
(309) 556-3238 |
Information Technology Services |
Rick Lindquist ’99, Chief Information Officer Katrina Harper, Administrative Specialist | |
(309) 556-3900 |
The Ames Library, 070 |
Institutional Effectiveness |
Michael Thompson, Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Jenny Hand, Institutional Effectiveness Specialist |
(309) 556-3159 |
Shaw Hall 209 |
International Office | Anneka Fraser, Director of the International Office |
309-556-2770 |
CLA 3rd floor |
International & Global Studies Program |
Carmela Ferradáns, Director of International Studies and Professor of Hispanic Studies |
(309) 556-3375 |
CLA 149 |
Language Resource Center |
Cristina Almeida Velez, Coordinator of Basic Language Sequence and Language Resource Center |
(309) 556-3174 |
CLA 303 |
Library, The Ames |
Stephanie Davis-Kahl, University Librarian and Copyright Officer |
309-556-3350 |
The Ames Library |
Magazine |
Chris Francis ’12, Magazine Editor & Communications Specialist |
(309) 556-3181 |
Shaw 100 |
Marketing |
Andy Kreiss '86, Director of Marketing |
(309) 556-3211 |
Welcome Center |
Mathematics Department |
Dan Roberts, Chair and Professor of Mathematics | |
(309) 556-3131 |
CNS C208C |
McPherson Theatre Box Office |
Mena Williams, Theatre Operations Specialist |
(309) 556-3232 |
McPherson Theatre |
Merwin and Wakeley Galleries |
Carmen Lozar, Gallery Director and Instructional Professor |
(309) 556-3822 |
Ames School of Art |
Multifaith Engagement, Office of |
Anjelia Dominguez, Multifaith Engagement Coordinator |
(309) 556-3814 |
Evelyn Chapel |
Music, School of |
J. Kline, Interim Dean of Fine and Performing Arts |
(309) 556-3061 |
Presser Hall |
Neuroscience Program |
Tyler Schwend, Director of Neuroscience and Associate Professor of Biology |
(309) 556-3149 |
CNS C108C |
Nursing and Health Sciences, School of |
Amber Kujath '97 Lindsey Kellar, |
(309) 556-3051 |
Stevenson Hall 224 |
Philosophy Department |
Andrew Engen, Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy |
(309) 556-3401 |
CLA 130 |
Physical Education Activity and Theory |
(309) 556-3196 |
Shirk 201 |
Physical Plant |
Kenton Frost, Director of Physical Plant | |
(309) 556-3066 |
303 E. Emerson St. |
Physics Department |
Narendra Jaggi, Professor and Chair of Physics |
(309) 556-3888 |
CNS C 007C |
Political Science Department |
William Munro, Chair of Political Science, Betty Ritchie-Birrer '47 and Ivan Birrer Endowed Professor |
(309) 556-3658 |
CLA 253 |
President's Office |
Sheahon Zenger, President Julie Anderson, Chief of Staff |
(309) 556-3151 |
Holmes Hall 205 |
Psychology Department |
Joe Williams, Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology |
(309) 556-3006 |
CNS C009B |
Registrar's Office |
Leslie Betz, Registrar Talley Gentry, Associate Registrar |
(309) 556-3161 |
Holmes Hall 110 |
Residential Life, Office of |
Jermaine Ferguson, Director, Office of Residential Life Douglas Meyer, Associate Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations |
(309) 556-3113 |
Memorial Center |
Sarah Gliege, Director of the McLean County SBDC | |
309-556-3171 |
SFH 308 |
Sociology & Criminology Department |
Todd Fuist, Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology | |
(309) 556-3193 |
CLA 261 |
Tripper Phipps, General Manager of Operations |
(309) 556-3167 |
Memorial Center |
Student Involvement, Office of |
Morgan Pulliam, Director of Student Involvement Courtney Turnbull, Assistant Director of Student Involvement Madison Heyder, Administrative Specialist |
(309) 556-3555 |
Hansen Student Center 101 |
Student Employment Office |
Stephanie Iskra, Student Employment Program Coordinator |
(309) 556-3299 |
Lower Level, Holmes Hall |
Theatre Arts, School of |
J. Kline, Interim Dean of Fine and Performing Arts Mena Williams, Theatre Operations Specialist |
(309) 556-3195
Thorpe Center for Curricular and Faculty Development |
Amy Coles, Dean of Curricular and Faculty Development Kirsten Bridgemen, Administrative Specialist |
309-556-3902 |
Ames Library 301 |
Titan Print & Mail Center |
(309) 556-3087 |
1207 1/2 N. Main St., Bloomington |
Women's and Gender Studies Program |
Courtney Irby, Director; Assistant Professor of Sociology |
(309) 556-3577 / (309) 556-3177 |
CLA 263 |
World Languages, Literatures and Cultures |
Jessie Dixon-Montgomery, Chair and Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies |
(309) 556-3081 |
CLA 363 |
Writing Center |
Bille Jarvis- Freeman, Writing Center Director |
(309) 556-3756 |
105 The Ames Library |
Writing Program | Maggie Evans, Director of the Writing Program | | (309) 556-3574 |
CLA 349 |